Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Online Productivity Tools - better late than never!

Oops, got sidetracked and forgot to post on this one! Lots of great potential here and anything to break the Microsoft Monopoly is a good thing eh?

As for myself, I can see that having a shared calendar for my wife and I would be a great way for us to keep track of all the things we need to schedule and we'll always know what's coming up!


Short and sweet - this is the way all communication should be in the 'over' - information age! Just recently introduced to text messaging and the need for brevity, this is a timely discovery. The Central library feed is great, covering a range of material which is easy to scan and find items of interest!

I would be select in joining and following other people's feeds. It's great for friends and families but too much of a good thing...


Wow, a great site for book lovers of the world! Just what I need - more titles to add to my reading list. Sheesh, where does a person find the time to read all they find?

This site is great with a good tour to show you around and briefly highlight what the site offers. It's also easy to sign up if you decide to go ahead. Great idea for us book lovers!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Flickr and YouTube

YouTube is something I’ve heard about for quite some time and now I’ve added to this by learning about Flickr. I haven’t used Flickr but I have uploaded a lot of photos to other web-based photo sharing sites. I didn’t know how much Flickr had to offer before this and I’d probably make it my number one choice to upload or to direct people to for this purpose. Great way to edit, enhance and share pictures, with lots of control over access too.

I have spent quite a bit of time looking at YouTube videos and I’m amazed at the many unbelievable videos they have! I’m afraid of using too much time up with the website because there is so much there. Hence, I generally rely on friends and family to send along links, rather than just visit the site and look around.